COVID-19 Update
By Albert & Myer

In the midst of this unsettling time, we here at Albert and Meyer Funerals would like to inform you we are fully equipped to assist with any individuals with confirmed COVID-19. As we already have experience in this domain.
The team at Albert and Meyer want to assure you we are informed and updated daily with the new information we are receiving from the Ministry of Health. We are following the guidelines set by the New South Wales Government who has stated the risk to Funeral Directors of transmission is low. However, we are adding extra precautions during and after collection to minimise contamination.
The precautions include:
- Albert and Meyer has arranged a designated and isolated mortuary for all deceased who have been confirmed COVID-19.
- Staff have been informed with the correct hand washing technique and have been provided with hand sanitiser to
- All staff have been trained in the correct method of removing and disposing of used
- The hospital/nursing home is required to disclose if the deceased is a confirmed COVID-19 this will ensure staff can prepare the additional PPE needed which includes
- A clean protective outer garment
- A clean pair of disposable gloves
- A disposable surgical mask
- Appropriate eye protections
- All Staff have been notified that when checking for valuables they are to avoid unnecessary manipulation of the body which may cause air from the COVID-19 patient’s lung to be released.
- All Funeral Directors will use the leak-proof body bags if the body is not yet in one; Funeral directors will label body bag clearly “COVID-19- Handle with care”
- Transfers and transportation of the deceased will not change. However, Funeral Directors will be completing a thorough clean of the vehicle and stretches after
- Regarding preparation and viewing of the body, a qualified embalmer working out of the designated licensed mortuary will be completing these duties. The embalmer will be following the Infection Prevention and Control
We know this individual is a loved one of someone and we will still provide a full service in a professional manner, with increased precautions. Families are still more than welcome to view and spend time with their loved one. This will be taking place in our designated mortuary where family members will be given the appropriate PPE. However, we will explicitly explain our hand hygiene policy and the regulations around touching the deceased.
The team at Albert and Meyer endeavour to ensure the loved one receives the most appropriate celebration, it is understood these are challenging times and are less than ideal. We would like to acknowledge the health of all staff and families are our priority. If you have any hesitations please call us on (02)9484 3992 we will be available 24 hours a day 7 days a week.